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Happy Holidays

28 Aug

Having a good holiday? I am and this is what I have been up to…………….

1. My family and I all went up to Scotland for my dads cousins wedding. It was a long, boring drive and what could make it worse than having your dad and uncle sat in the front living it up with all the space you could want when you your brother and your mum are all squished in the back. The Wedding was great because it was in a castle called Comlongon Castle

2. I went to see the Olympic rowing. As fun as it may sound you cant really enjoy it when you are soaked wet through to the skin.

3. I have just been to France for 2 weeks and it was great we spent the whole time by the pool sunning ourselves. In the second week nanna  and grandad arrived and I got my hair braided. YAY!!!!

Well that’s my holiday whats yours been like?

Macy 🙂